Additional Requirements

"School can wait, but Mumu can't! It's just a few days away from the college entrance exam. Don't you want Mumu to concentrate and get into a good university?" The elderly lady said angrily, "Don't you have a few shops open? Just sell off two of them for now!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Yue became anxious. "Mom, that won't work. If I sell those shops, I'll have no income at all!"

"Can't my son support you?" The elderly lady said angrily, "Do you want these material possessions, or do you want a better future for your own daughter?"

Mei Mu knew that the decision was in her mother's hands, so she tearfully pleaded, "Mom, I want to go back to school. Please help me. I promise to repay you when I earn money in the future!"

Wang Yue sighed deeply. "I don't need to repay me, but you know our expenses, aside from what your dad provides, come from these shops…"

With the elderly lady present, she couldn't say much more.