Corrupting the Public Morals (2)

The grade director had lost all patience with her. He directly played the video for her to watch, making sure to mute the sound on his phone to avoid any misunderstandings.

Mei Shu glanced at the screen for a moment before turning her gaze away, her face growing somber. She asked, "Teacher, where did this video come from?"

Upon seeing her reaction, the grade director thought she might finally admit to it. He quickly deleted the disturbing video to prevent further dissemination and threw his phone onto the table. With his hands behind his back, he spoke sternly, "How can you still ask where this video came from? It has spread everywhere! Do you realize the severe consequences this has had for our school?"

Mei Shu calmly lifted her eyelids and responded, "Teacher, why was your first reaction to worry about how this video being spread would affect our school? Don't you even suspect that someone might be framing me while also trying to implicate our school?"