
This study was much larger than Mei Yun's.

Mei Shu quickly scanned the bookshelves around her but eventually focused her attention on the massive desk in the center of the room.

First, she turned on Sheng Quan's computer and carefully used a prepared device to copy the files from it.

In the meantime, she started to search through the items on the desk and in the drawers herself, hoping to find some clues.

Just then, there was a faint sound coming from the study door.

Mei Shu's ears perked up, and she reacted quickly, stashing the device in her pocket and then ducking behind a bookshelf in the corner of the room.

After she had completed these actions, she heard the lock of the door being turned with a key, followed by someone entering the study. The person switched on the light on the wall and his gaze paused on the computer.

Mei Shu remained hidden in her corner for now, safe from immediate discovery.