Finding Evidence

"I'm fine, I just didn't get enough rest last night, but I'm okay now."

After saying this, Mei Shu magically took a box of cake out of her backpack and gave it to Wen Miao. "This is for you. I know you like strawberry flavor. Give it a try and see if you like this one."

"Wow, Mei Shu, you must have been an angel in your past life. How can there be such a kind person like you?" Wen Miao was extremely touched and gave Mei Shu a huge bear hug.

Many classmates heard her words and looked over here with envy, expressing their desire to have a cake from the goddess too.

Wen Miao proudly raised the cake and rolled her eyes at them, "This is a special gift just for me from my Shu'er! Don't even think about it!"