Drunken Ramblings

"If they really are responsible for our mother's death, I won't let them get away with it!" Mei Feng pounded the table with his fist, his eyes brimming with intense hatred that threatened to consume his reason.

Mei Shu sighed helplessly, gently enveloping his hand. "Xiao Feng, what we need to do now is keep our emotions in check. Don't expose our intentions prematurely. The situation is advantageous for us right now. Mei Mu and Wang Yue are still at the police station, and they won't be able to get out anytime soon. No one will stop us from continuing the investigation."

"You're right." Mei Feng took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and managed to suppress the growing frustration within him. He spoke in a deep voice, "I didn't contribute anything to the events earlier. It was my negligence. But from now on, I want to at least have the right to know about anything that happens. Sister, please don't keep secrets from me."