A Sudden Invitation

"Mei Shu!"

To her surprise, as she had just walked out of the back door, Lu Yan called out to her.

Zhou Li almost immediately shot her a look of hatred.

Mei Shu helplessly turned around and asked, "What's up?"

Lu Yan walked over and stopped about a meter away from her. "Would you like to come over to my house for dinner tonight? My mother specifically asked me to invite you."

"Aunt?" Mei Shu glanced uncertainly at Zhou Li before nodding slowly. "Alright, but why did your mom suddenly want me to come over for dinner?"

Lu Yan suddenly smiled with a hint of bitterness. "You wouldn't have asked this question before, remember? When we were kids, it was a common thing for you to come to my house for dinner."

As he spoke, his gaze was intense, as if it held a passionate warmth, trying to pierce through the now dimmed light in Mei Shu's heart.