Long-lasting Friendship

"I said I don't like you," Lu Yan repeated, devoid of emotion.

Tears streamed down Zhou Li's face uncontrollably. She covered her cheeks and was about to run away in embarrassment but collided with Li Zhen, who was approaching slowly.

"Why is there a dog in my way?" Zhou Li vented her frustration towards Li Zhen, who had suddenly appeared.

"You have time to scold me, but you can't win back the guy you like the most?" Li Zhen sneered and raised an eyebrow. "You're quite useless. No wonder you can't compete with Mei Shu."

"Why can't I compete with her? She's just luckier than me, having met Lu Yan before I did!" Zhou Li wiped away her tears, clenching her sleeves, and vowed, "I will win Ah Yan back!"

"Can you?" Li Zhen deliberately showed a contemptuous expression to provoke her.

Zhou Li fell into the trap, getting even angrier, "Just you wait! In the end, Lu Yan will belong to me!"