Work Like An Ox

"You dare to deny it! I saw it with my own eyes!" Lin Wei was furious and raised her hand, delivering a powerful slap that turned Lu Ming's head to the side.

Lu Ming was infuriated this time.

He didn't care about the pain and struggled to get up from the ground. He shouted at Lin Wei, "What's gotten into you? By what right do you have to control me? Don't think I don't know what you and Sheng Quan have been up to! Were you two close to having an illegitimate child?"

"Lu Ming, you!" Lin Wei was trembling with anger. Her exquisite makeup was distorted as she raised her hand and delivered another slap to Lu Ming's face.

This time, Lu Ming didn't endure it anymore. He didn't even consider the fact that she was his biological mother. He pushed Lin Wei down and stormed out of the room, seething with anger.

To his surprise, he collided with Zhou Nan, who had been eavesdropping outside the door.

Lu Ming coldly snorted, "What are you doing here?"