The Best Sister

"Of course, anytime you have time, you can call me." As soon as Mei Shu said, Lin He fell into a brief silence again.

Mei Shu sensed her concerns, walked to the side, picked up a clean towel to wipe off the sweat on her face, and personally opened a bottle of mineral water, handing it to her, "Don't worry. With your dancing skills, you'll definitely find a good job."

"But compared to those recent graduates, I'm already quite old."

In the dance industry, for those who haven't achieved much in the early stages, age is also a kind of capital.

Moreover, she had withdrawn from the industry for so many years; it's unlikely that any good company would be willing to hire her.

However, when talking about this, Mei Shu came up with a good idea, "I have a friend, and his family's business is spread all over Lin City. I might try asking him to see if there are any relevant job opportunities for you."