Reaping What You Sow

"What a coincidence. Encountering you on such a beautiful day is really unlucky," Feng Wei's disdainful gaze was undisguised.

Mei Shu, expressionless, reminded her, "It's your unnecessary act of stopping my family's car. Otherwise, we wouldn't have the need to meet."

"Since the last competition, your life seems to be going quite well. You've managed to drive away Wang Yue and her daughter. Do you feel particularly accomplished?" Feng Wei provocatively smiled, "But don't forget, even if Wang Yue ends up in prison, she is still your father's legal wife. They are still protected by the law. Don't think you can monopolize the Mei family's assets alone."

"I have no intention of monopolizing anything," Mei Shu showed an innocent expression, tilting her head and blinking, "I want to share it equally with my brothers. Whoever dares to interfere with my affairs, I won't mind sending them to jail again."