
Old Wang hesitated for a moment, as if she wanted to say something, but she swallowed her words. "I do have a way, but I can't tell you. You need to have Wang Yue come to see me in person!"

"I mentioned this to her," Mei Shu said, looking conflicted. "But she explicitly said she wouldn't come to see you. It seems she's determined to see you sentenced to death!"

The words "death penalty" immediately frightened Old Wang.

Although she didn't understand the law, she knew the principle of an eye for an eye.

The police did say earlier that she was suspected of poisoning and attempted murder. Could it be that she was going to be executed, leaving her with no way out?


She absolutely couldn't die!

"Good child, help me, I beg you. I can give you anything you want!" Old Wang, who had lost her previous cruelty toward Mei Shu when they were in the countryside, now pleaded desperately.