
"Thank you. Your chef's skills are really impressive, Shu'er. After you go back home, you won't have to go through those days of not having enough to eat. I'm genuinely happy for you," Chu Rui said sincerely.

Mei Shu couldn't help but think of what happened when she was young.

Although those days were very distant to her who had been reborn, when she saw Chu Rui, the kindness he showed her in the past was still vivid in her mind.

Mei Shu was grateful to him from the bottom of her heart, so she didn't want him to be unhappy in Lin City.

Even if the two of them had some differences in opinion, it didn't stop her from remembering his kindness.

Besides, Chu Rui had never done anything to hurt her.

Mei Shu smiled and replied, "I'm happy for you to hear that your life in university is so smooth."