
"Wang Yue, is this the torture you mentioned?"

The presiding judge turned the screen to Wang Yue, which happened to be visible to the audience.

For some reason, Mei Shu felt that the inquisition leader was deliberately showing it to Lu Si. The screen was facing them, and even the picture Wang Yue saw was slightly tilted.

But whether the presiding judge was concerned about Lu Si or not, the surveillance footage couldn't be fake.

Mei Shu took a closer look and happened to see Wang Yue in prison beating his arm.

The wounds on her arms were all made by her herself.

Wang Yue's body trembled visibly in pain, but she didn't make a sound. The clothes in her mouth were drenched with saliva, which showed how painful she was.

"Mom…" Mei Mu called out with red eyes, but after being glared at by the inquisition leader, he swallowed all the words he wanted to say.