Cleaning House

After returning home this time, Mei Shu decisively began to clean up those who might have been bought by Mei Mu.

Zhao Yan watched with satisfaction as his Missy carried out these operations.

He had long felt that the servants in the house should be thoroughly investigated. Since the last time he discovered someone like Aunt Liu, he had been worried that there might be traitors leaning towards Mei Mu in the family.

After all, Mei Mu had deliberately shown kindness in the family for a while before. By pleasing many people, if she promised some benefits generously, it wouldn't be difficult to find people willing to stand on her side.

But now, after being cleaned up by Mei Shu, those people realized how big a mistake they had made before.

The family was now firmly in the hands of Mei Shu. Even if Mei Mu wanted to fight back, it was like hitting a rock with an egg.