Father-Daughter Reunion

"My sister is right, Guoguo, you don't need to be afraid. If those girls dare to bully you again, just tell me. I must teach them a lesson!" Mei Jing said, rubbing his hands together.

Chen Guo's face turned even redder. "Thank you, Ah Jing. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do."

Mei Shu observed the interaction between the two with interest.

It turned out to be a classic hero-saves-the-beauty scenario.

No wonder this girl liked Xiao Jing.

It seemed that Mei Shu had misunderstood earlier. Chen Guo seemed to be a nice girl.

"By the way," Chen Guo took a sip of her drink, as if trying to suppress her nervousness, then took a deep breath before initiating a conversation with Mei Shu. "Sister, you mentioned my father earlier. What happened to him?"

"He works as a chef in my house, and he really wants to see you." Mei Jing quickly revealed the purpose of this meeting.

Mei Shu gave him a reproachful look.