Hidden Intentions

Chen Guo frowned for a moment but then sweetly smiled, "Dad, what are you saying? How could I ever dislike you? I'm just worried that you're too busy serving me, and you won't eat enough yourself!"

"It's okay. Dad isn't hungry. Dad is very happy just to see you. You don't need to worry about me. Just eat well yourself!" Chen Feng felt touched when he heard his daughter considering him like this.

Mei Yan, watching on the side, revealed eyes filled with envy.

He was only nine years old and naturally yearned for fatherly love.

Unfortunately, Mei Yun was not a good father.

He rarely came home, and when he did, he only talked to Wang Yue and Mei Mu. There had long been a rift between him and his sons.

Mei Shu reached out and gently touched Mei Yan's soft and fluffy head, whispering, "Yanyan, eat a bit more. If you like it, Sister will make it for you in the future."