
"Of course, I won't really care about such a small matter." Mei Shu said these words while casually glancing in Mei Jing's direction.

He was already a bit displeased now, but he considered that Chen Guo had helped him a lot in the past, so he temporarily suppressed his anger, choosing not to confront her directly.

However, the seed of suspicion had already been planted in his heart. The next step was to see how to nurture and cultivate it, making it take root and sprout.

After that evening, Chen Guo spoke much less.

Mei Jing also didn't actively ask her questions like before. When Chen Guo mustered the courage to inquire if there were any problems he couldn't solve, Mei Jing would coldly respond with a simple "no," showing a very indifferent attitude.

In her heart, Chen Guo cursed Mei Shu silently.

If it weren't for Mei Shu causing trouble, she wouldn't have offended Mei Jing, making all her efforts over the past long time go up in smoke!