Something Went Wrong with Wen Miao

"See, I knew nothing would happen." After safely delivering Ma Ying home, Wen Miao reached out to tidy up her collar. "Don't be so nervous. Those people probably just saw that we're young and wanted to scare us. You'll be fine at home. Tomorrow, Yueyue and I will come to pick you up again."

"Okay." Ma Ying, who had been tense all the way, finally relaxed her body, and a relaxed smile appeared on her face.

After bidding farewell to Wen Miao and Zhang Yue, they embarked on the journey home together.

It was at this moment that Wen Miao's brother finally called to apologize.

"Sorry, Miao Miao, I was in a meeting just now, and the leader suddenly asked me to work overtime. Are you home now?"

Wen Miao pretended to be angry and said, "Not yet. We waited for you at the school gate for almost half an hour!"