
"I have to admit, your loyalty is quite impressive," Mei Shu sighed with regret, "But do you really think the people you called can deal with me?"

There was a hint of eagerness in her tone.

This made Song Yan's scalp tingle.

However, he knew that if he begged for mercy at this moment, the person in front of him wouldn't spare him. Instead, more brutal methods would be used to force him to speak the truth.

With this in mind, Song Yan could only force himself to say, "They can certainly deal with you. You're just one person. But to settle this matter, the bodyguards I called are extraordinary. You will fall into my hands when they arrive."

"How do I know you're not just bluffing?" Mei Shu laughed even more lightly. She retracted the knife. Just when Song Yan thought he had truly frightened her and she was about to give up, Mei Shu's next words plunged him into hell once again.