Hospital Visit

The man in front of her looked particularly serious, his bright eyes reflecting only Mei Shu.

He was handsome, with a straight nose and deep eye sockets, a very standard modeling face. Looking at him for too long would make one feel as if the person in front of them was no longer real, but merely a beautiful illusion.

Mei Shu stared blankly into his affectionate eyes for a long time. Then, her mind went blank for a moment. Suddenly, she leaned over and gently kissed his thin lips.

Lu Si didn't expect her to kiss him voluntarily. After a few seconds of stunned silence, his smile grew wider and wider, almost as if he was about to float away with joy.

Mei Shu quickly regained her composure, sitting back and looking out the window. Apart from her ears turning slightly red, there was no other sign of emotional change.

Lu Si leaned close to her ear, unable to contain his laughter. "Shu'er, you kissed me just now."