Backer Stepped in

In order to help Wen Miao clarify things, Mei Shu concealed the IP addresses, uploaded the recordings confessed by those two individuals online, and even had Tang Mei write a post specifically to help clear Wen Miao's grievances.

But now, Wen Miao is saying that she is willing to be the one described by others as the"unclean" girl who has "been violated" on behalf of Zhang Yue.

Mei Shu raised an eyebrow and said, "Have you thought this through? This matter might not only affect you but may also bring criticism upon your family."

"But the victim is always innocent, isn't she?" Tears shimmered in Wen Miao's eyes, but they couldn't hide her determined expression.

"No one wants to be mistreated, and those who have been harmed shouldn't be criticized behind their backs. Zhang Yue shouldn't have to endure this. She has already suffered significant psychological trauma. As her friend, I cannot stand by and watch. I cannot let her face this alone."