
Dare he ask him for money?

Even a calm person like Mei Feng couldn't hold back his temper at the moment. He quickly grabbed Mei Jing's hands from behind. "You must be crazy. Wait until our sister arrives. Let's see how she deals with you!"

Upon hearing the word "sister," Mei Jing forgot to struggle, and stopped in surprise, asking, "You called our sister?"

"I called her on my way here," Mei Feng said as he released his grip, panting. "You'll have a hard time later!"

Upon hearing this, Mei Jing, who had just been arrogant, suddenly became dispirited.

At that moment, Mei Shu appeared at the police station gate, walking in high heels.

Mei Jing seemed capable of handling ten opponents alone. On the other side, there were nearly a dozen teenagers of similar age to him, each with bruises and swelling, adorned with various marks.

Mei Jing and Mei Feng stood alone on one side, with a sobbing young girl following behind.