The Truth Is Revealed

The mediation room fell into a quiet lull, the only sound remaining was that of breathing.

After a while, the police smacked his lips and said, "Strange, I distinctly remember that this area has surveillance cameras! How could they be gone? Could they be broken?"

At these words, everyone reacted differently.

Mei Shu's ears perked up, catching the sound of Chen Guo's relieved sigh.

The tattooed boy hurriedly approached the computer, "How could there be no surveillance? Can the cameras in other areas confirm whether she and my sister entered the same alley?"

"Don't be hasty, let me check again," the police gestured for him to calm down, then retrieved footage from nearby cameras, narrowing down the timeframe according to the girl's account. After a while, he said, "No, these cameras didn't capture that area."