
"Don't you dare to say one more word!" Lu Si almost roared at her.

This was the first time he had spoken so sternly to Mei Shu.

But only the tears sliding down from the corners of his eyes knew how much he was hurting.

Time was slipping away relentlessly, second by second.

Lu Si stayed by Mei Shu's bed the entire time. Overnight, his stubble grew, and he was in an unprecedented sorry state.

As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the window, he suddenly realized that his body had become stiff and numb.

Having been immersed in darkness for so long, the sudden sunlight felt a bit harsh.

He turned his head slightly, and his gaze fell on the black box at the bedside.

He slowly lifted his cold fingers, opened the lid, and took out the string of pearl necklace inside.

Lu Si had thought all night but couldn't understand why Mei Shu had such a strong reaction to this necklace.