The New Miss

"Who are you?" At the door, a woman in pajamas, holding a plate of freshly washed fruits, looked at the commotion in confusion.

Feng Wei glanced at her from head to toe, recalling the "daughter" her mother had mentioned. Her brows furrowed uneasily. "Are you the new maid in my house?"

The woman quickly shook her head. "No, I'm a student of Teacher Feng Mo. My name is Lin He."

"Lin He?" Feng Wei looked away contemptuously. "You have no business here. I came to see my mom."

"Madam Mei." The old butler's face turned stern, rare impatience evident in his tone. "Please show some respect to Madam's adopted daughter, Miss Lin, who is now Madam's daughter and the new Miss Feng."

"You mean her?" Feng Wei pointed at Lin He incredulously. "What does she have that compares to me? Why did my mom choose her?"

The old butler said, "Please address Madam Mei properly. You've severed ties with her. Don't presume to call her 'mother'."