A Test

"Shu'er." Lin He hadn't expected to confess this at this moment.

After all, that was her mother…

Tears blurred Lin He's eyes, and suddenly she couldn't see Mei Shu's face clearly. She realized that Mei Shu actually had reasons to hate her.

Wu Hui exclaimed, "Mei Shu, are you saying that your mother's accident years ago was caused by Lin He's ex-husband?"

"Yes." Mei Shu remained calm. "In the whole incident, my mother was the biggest victim. As her daughter, I have more say than Feng Wei. I believe Lin He was completely unaware of the incident, and when it happened, Lin He and her ex-husband were not even acquainted. So, attributing this to Lin He is too far-fetched."

"Mei Shu! Even if she was unaware, she once shared a bed with the person who killed your mother. Doesn't that bother you at all?" Feng Wei persisted in sowing discord.