Enemy Landed on the Island

"I'll go out and keep watch first. You guys get some sleep," Mei Shu said before leaving them and walking towards the shore.

With assassins ready to take her life at any moment, Jiang Hai couldn't risk seeking help openly. He could only rely on the faint signal to keep sending out messages.

Mei Shu walked slowly along the beach, pondering their next move.

Since she knew a gunfight was imminent, she couldn't afford to sit idly by.

Mei Shu found a stranded ship on the outer side of the island.

Boarding the ship, she found that it had at least several decades of history. Despite being weathered by time, traces of its past grandeur were still faintly visible.

Mei Shu picked up some useful items, found a spot that could barely shield from the wind, assembled everything, tested its sturdiness, and made sure it wouldn't fall apart on the way back before taking them back with her.