Fight to the Death

Is Mei Shu a fool?

Feng Wei's emotions were so intense that even her chest was heaving violently.

However, Mei Shu didn't give her a chance to refuse. With a keen ear, she heard the footsteps of the approaching person and almost whispered a single word through her clenched teeth: "Run."

Then, decisively, she rushed forward with the gun, aiming directly at the man's head and pulling the trigger.

Gunshots echoed through the entire forest.

Jiang Hai's eyes narrowed as he quickly focused his mind, taking advantage of the terrain to flank the three men from the side and behind, raising his hand to fire a shot as well.

"Hit?" Feng Wei, on the side, watched with bated breath. The mist in the forest was thick at this moment, making it nearly impossible to see.

The only response to her was a moment of dead silence.

But soon, with another gunshot, the mist dispersed, revealing the sinister face of the man.