
"Lu Si, if I can't protect my brothers even if I start over again, what's the point of living another life?" Mei Shu's shattered eyes were full of sorrow.

Lu Si looked at her with heartache, quickly hugged her, and comforted, "Don't say that. The meaning of anyone's life should be for themselves. Let's not be so pessimistic for now. Things haven't developed to that point yet. There's still room for maneuver."

Tears streamed down Mei Shu's fragile face as she rested in his embrace.

After she cried enough, her heart slowly grew stronger.

She calmed down and wiped her tears silently by the bedside. "You're right. It's not time to be pessimistic yet. At least I should increase security and not let anyone sneak into the house again, at least to temporarily keep Xiao He safe."

Lu Si silently held her hand back, silently giving her strength and supporting her to continue thinking.