Misunderstand His Identity

"Are you leaving already, Grandpa?" Mei Yan was reluctant to see him go.

The children of the Mei family had never experienced love from their elders since childhood. Suddenly seeing a kind and friendly old man, Mei Yan really wanted to spend more time with him.

Lu Ting, in fact, also felt reluctant, but if he ran into Mei Shu here, he was afraid he couldn't explain it clearly. He could only stand up and express his regret, "Grandpa promises you, I'll definitely come to see you next time, okay?"

"Then Grandpa, please come tomorrow. I'm always home alone, and my brothers are all out." Mei Yan kept tugging at his sleeve, escorting him to the door.

Lu Ting smiled and patted his head, "Alright, Grandpa will come tomorrow. It's our promise."

Mei Yan smiled widely at him, personally seeing him off before turning back into the villa.

It was at this moment that the family car happened to arrive at the door.