Stubborn Old Man

Mei Yan relented obediently.

Feeling the footsteps behind him drawing closer, Lu Ting's back stiffened even more, his voice becoming increasingly stern, "I told you to leave, don't you understand? You're supposed to be a young lady from a good family. How can you be so shameless now? Do you even know the meaning of shame?"

Mei Shu completely ignored his words, walked around to face him directly, her expression devoid of emotion as she locked eyes with him, her tone cool and devoid of emotion, "Grandpa Su? Mr. Lu, I didn't realize you had a hobby of impersonating others."

The stern demeanor that Lu Ting maintained instantly collapsed, his tone feeble, "I never said my surname was Su. It's clear that you've mistaken my identity."

Mei Shu, arms crossed, looked amused, "So you're admitting that you've been secretly coming to my house every day, playing games with my little brother, helping him with his homework, and always leaving before I return home?"