
Mei Shu calmly watched from the sidelines.

Once the woman answered the phone, her voice instantly turned ingratiating, "Honey, why did you take so long to answer? I've been bullied. Are you going to do something about it or not?"

From the phone, a man's voice boomed, "Darling, who dared to bully you? I'll be at the hotel right away. I'll make them regret it!"

"Well, I'm waiting for you. Hurry, darling. I love you," the woman said before smugly hanging up. She then arrogantly looked at Mei Shu, "Just wait. My husband is coming, and he'll make you give up the room to me willingly. Hand over the room key first. If I'm in a good mood, I won't make a fuss with you."

Mei Shu nodded slightly, found a nearby sofa, lazily sat down, and said, "Then let's wait for your husband to arrive and see what he intends to do to make me give up the room to you."