Mastermind Behind the Scenes

"Even if it means sacrificing the entire Mei family?" Ruan Li found it somewhat incredulous.

She really didn't know whether to say Mei Shu was too naive or if she valued her relationship with Lu Si too much.

But relationships between men and women had always been temporary hormonal bursts. When the passion faded and the novelty decayed, the true hideous and detestable face would be revealed.

Mei Shu said, "It's worth it. I keep my word. As long as what you say is worth sacrificing all that, I will never go back on my word."

Ruan Li sat up straight, reexamining the girl in front of her who looked stern and serious. After a while, she said, "Then bring the contract tomorrow, and we'll officially complete the transfer procedures."

Mei Shu didn't back down, "Tell me everything you know first."

"We need to complete the procedures first." Ruan Li showed no sign of yielding.