The Tide Has Turned

Mei Cheng was visibly provoked, his emotions spiraling out of control as he waved the knife towards her. "You b*tch, die! It's not just you who's going to die now, I'll make sure everyone around you dies too!"

As he spoke, he was about to viciously stab the knife into Tang Mei's neck.

Mei Shu kept a close eye on his hand, waiting for the moment when his emotions would flare up, and his defense would slacken.

But unexpectedly, a sudden change occurred at this moment.

A roar suddenly erupted from the dark factory behind them, followed by a young man rushing towards Mei Cheng as if he had no regard for his own life.

Caught off guard, Mei Cheng was tackled directly to the ground by the young man, the tip of the knife in his hand pointing upwards and piercing the young man's shoulder, blood spraying out in an instant.

Tang Mei instinctively tried to reach out to the young man but ended up getting splattered with blood on her face.