Paying Compensation

"Alright, Auntie, please don't worry. Let's first bring the other party forward, and both sides can clarify the situation before we make a final judgment."

The police seemed a bit helpless. Pan Hua was old, and her voice was piercingly sharp. Listening to her talk for too long caused a ringing sensation in their ears, making it difficult for their brains to function properly.

Mei Ye also felt embarrassed by Pan Hua's behavior. He quickly pulled her aside and whispered, "Officer, I believe you will enforce the law strictly! By the way, before you arrived, Old Chen should have briefed you, right? I've been good friends with Old Chen for decades!"

"You mean Captain Chen?" The two police officers exchanged glances. "But we're not under Captain Chen's command. Captain Chen is an old detective and doesn't handle these matters."