Get Her Drunk

"Ah Shu,drink up!" Zhao Ping personally poured a full glass of red wine for her.

Mei Shu picked up the glass and finished it in one gulp, so straightforward that the people around didn't have time to cheer before her wine was already gone.

Zhao Ping was stunned by the sight, but the next moment, his eyes sparkled with even deeper joy. "Good! A promise is a promise, very friendly! Let's play another round!"

This time, Mei Shu's first three cards totaled nineteen points. She glanced at the expressions of the others, her gaze lingering for a moment on Zhao Ping's face, which flashed with a fleeting sense of satisfaction.

Lowering her eyes, she reached out to the waiter for another card.

Seeing this, Zhao Ping exchanged a mocking glance with Kang Wei, then said, "Ah Shu, this time I'm definitely going to win. Be prepared to drink another whole glass!"