
Kang Wei forced a smile and said, "Then I'll rely on you."

"No problem, we're brothers. Today you're helping me, I won't really ignore you." Zhao Ping said as he pushed Kang Wei out, then got into the car with his mother, carrying generous gifts to visit Granny Lin's house.

Lin Wei still didn't know about Li Zhen's accident and was at home taking care of her injured son.

Ever since Lu Ming was attacked last time and got seriously injured, he had been completely downcast, always staying at home, too afraid to see anyone.

Actually, Lin Wei could understand. Which man wouldn't be devastated if suddenly rendered useless?

The key was that the police still had no clue so far, allowing the culprit to roam free!

"Son, come have something to eat." Lin Wei lightly knocked on the door, her once elegant face now showing some signs of weariness.