
Behold the glory of the system, mortal human. For you have been blessed by me. I am the strongest heaven and earth system that shall make you ascend even further than the furthest realm.

Mission #1: Beat the guys bullying your Ye family.

Reward: Blue tiger herb.

Received a glorious choice newbie set.

Please choose one of the following sets of equipment.

You will receive the chosen set after mission completion.

But the host remained there lying on the grass staring at the system prompts.

There is a time limit, you know...


"What? No."

"I said I don't want to do your shitty mission."

"Yeah, I don't care. I don't even know those people. Good try though."

"What's wrong with you? You can't just kidnap people. What do you want me to say? Hey, I was living a shit life, but now that I have a good system, I'm going to be the most powerful person in the world."

"...So what if I was having a horrible time? That does not give you the right to kidnap me."

"I don't want jack shit you give me. I have my own life. I live how I want to live. I'm not doing whatever the fuck you tell me to do. I'm not your puppet."


"Yeah, let me guess. Every single person you yoink is super excited and becomes the strongest immortal. Bet this isn't the first time you're doing this."

"Give it to me for free then. Can you? Bet you can't. Like the earth-shattering heaven-splitting true dragon overlord emperor could not."

"Oh wow, I mean, I was just bullshitting, but hey."

"Do I need to read it in order to know what's happening? Most of them are fucking cringe and clichéd, man. The same old hard-to-memorize power levels, the same C-grade villain characters. Kill one, and a larger, stronger one appears, and then kill that one, and an even larger and shittier one appears. Fuck this. I want no part of this cringe fucking bullshit."

<...The system is unable to handle the host's bullshit and is shutting down...>

Ye Xiang lay there on the hill for hours, staring at the night sky. It was a vast, open field with a thick, dense forest sprouting in the back. But in front, not a single soul, just a serene beauty of the landscape. The little town would glimmer and look one with stars. Soon, smoke was flowing out of that linear-shaped town, and as the now-named Ye Xiang looked down the hill, he knew that every relative or person this body of his knew was dead.

"Well, won't be using this crappy name anymore... It's always Ye or Yi or Xian or Lin or some other generic shit. From now on, I am Neon. Neon... How about Invincible? Yeah, that sounds nice. Um... what do you call invincible in Chinese? Wudi? Something... or we call me Bùkě Zhànshèng. Gah, fuck it. Neon is good."