A Legend Or A Rumour?

"If I know the story correctly, your friend is very unlikely to be doing the perverted things you think they might be doing, 'cause from what I know, he isn't into those things," said the Ai family patriarch.

"It's less of a story and more of a rumor if you are talking about the immortal incident that occurred a year and a half ago," the An family patriarch corrected the Ai family patriarch.

"What rumor?" Cao Tang asked with curiosity, and the other two turned their heads to listen.

"Well, it goes something like this..." the Ai patriarch continued to narrate.


About a year or half ago, there was some conflict occurring in the upper realms, and we can only assume that it was that very conflict and chaos that created a tear in the heavens' underfloor. And through that hole fell a beautiful-looking immortal princess. Heavily injured, but being of such a background, many wished to curry favor with her. She demanded the highest class of treatment, and her bootlickers provided it much more easily. She decided to stay and recover from her injuries here for a few months. She had everything she asked for, but one day, she was walking the streets.

"And this is where the seer comes in," the An family patriarch took over the narration.

"The streets, from what I know, were emptied out as she hated people ogling her, with the exceptions of people who lived there. But that empty street is where it took place. And the reason why this is simply a rumor is that we simply don't have enough evidence."

The Ai family patriarch once again took up the narration. "Another thing was that we don't quite know the cause, but it was said that she had taken a fancy to a particular mortal, and as we would suspect, that would be the seer."

The An family patriarch interrupted and continued his narration. "As they walked down the streets, she obviously did have a few guards with her, and the only witness was a drunk man who saw these things happen from a window."

The narration hopped back to Master Ai.

"It was those empty streets within which they faced off. From what the beggar told us, she demanded the seer. She wanted him, and she told her guards to fetch him for her."

"Big mistake," An Liu interrupted. "Do you know how much ego that guy has? He would never stand for it."

"And he didn't. He was furious," the Ai family patriarch continued.

"But here is the thing, she was a future queen. No one would dare defy her. Ignoring her much higher cultivation, she was just so pretty and domineering. Even I would be willing to be a mere slave to her whims. But the seer was furious. It appeared as if he was having a bad day, and she finally pushed him over the edge," Master An added.

"I have actually completely memorized the conversation between the two," said Master An.

"Eeeehhhh," went the seer as he heard what she had demanded of her guards.

A step forward, and all three guards were dead in an instant.

"The fuck do you think I am?" he said as he closed the distance and gave her a hard slap.

"Sounds like something he would do," Cao Tang commented.

Master An ignored him and continued the narration. "He did not stop there, though. He completely brutalized her."

"Just because you are royalty, you think you can do whatever the fuck you want, don't you? By that logic, I can do whatever the fuck I want to do," he said as he grabbed onto her throat and picked her off the ground with sheer strength, completely choking her.

The immortal was now furious, heavenly deadly qi gushed and rushed out of her violently and ferociously. It was so powerful it almost burned off the seer's hands then and there. But before that could happen, there was another tight slap. The instant that slap landed, the qi flow stopped.

"You dare use your ki?" the seer said, enraged, with his face turning red. "He doesn't exude any ki. It is pure unadulterated intent. His emotions have formed. He is emitting an aura that only a heavenly demon could. It completely suppressed that immortal that still struggled for breath, and with that, he threw her onto the ground. The guy who was watching had pissed his pants."

As the immortal lay there in the slightly wet mud, he put his leg on her face and mashed it into the mud.

The immortal was too scared to even look at the seer. Her eyes were fixated on the right where the ground was.

"Hey, look at me," the seer said in a cold, murderous, and threatening tone. She slowly turned her eyes toward the left.

"Good, listen, you are my bitch now. Correction, my slave now. You do whatever the fuck I tell you to, right?" he said with a voice heavier than normal, pushing her face slightly deeper into the soil.

"That sword you have, I lost mine a while ago. Give it to me," he commanded, and the immortal complied immediately.

Her heavenly sword quickly turned demonic at contact with the seer. Not only that, it unsealed its limiters and adjusted its shape and size to meet the preferences of its new master, the one it had given its recognition. The demon-defying sword took an unusual shape and also turned black, becoming the new heaven-defying sword.

The seer released his hold over her once.

"Up," he ordered the immortal, who, though struggling, complied with him nevertheless.

He then put his hand on her head and brought his face near her ear.

"If you tell anyone about this, we both get in trouble," he whispered, and then he turned back towards whence he came.

And as he treaded back on his way, "Not a word" was the last cold, heartless, and menacing thing she heard.

After a few days, she left for her home without making a full recovery and in haste.


"You guys are good at telling stories. That was the single most intense story I have ever heard," Liu Hua said, still panting with the peak level of excitement that was generated.

"But it's just a rumor... no truth or evidence, although I would like to believe it," both the patriarchs said in tandem.

"Sounds doable actually. They can't just descend without limitations. Immortal's powers are less than halved to match the realm's standards and on top of that, she had internal injuries. She was pretty beatable. Of course, this is only theory as well." cao tang tried to reason.

"Well, No way for us to ever know ya."liu put an end to the conversation.

And it was at that moment that the seer descended the stairs with a beautiful black katana still dangling on his left hip.