Black Mamba: House Of Excellence

"So, this is where we're supposed to go for the final step of your ultra-evil, devastating, home-wrecking, Murim-shaking, unforgivable plan?" Cao Tang asked.

"Yes," the seer replied.

"Explanation? Not that I care anymore. You've dragged me from a brothel to an underground city with no idea whatsoever of what you've been doing," Cao complained.

"You dumb Ningen, look around you. What kind of people are we walking along with?"

With a single glance, Cao Tang realized that this was no ordinary crowd. A stream of the wealthiest and strongest individuals was flowing towards one magnificent and large establishment.

They were yet to completely recover from the aftermath of the fight. Occasional patches of black were still visible on the ground, and the heavens remained gray.

However, amidst this environment stood a grand white establishment with intricately crafted designs on its outer walls adorned with gold. Decorated with gargoyles and various sacred and divine realm treasures.

The only gargoyles that weren't gold or white were two black snakes positioned at the entrance—two black mambas on one pillar each, right beside the entrance.

Behind the entrance, a sight of old red and gold exuded luxury and power.

"What is the place where every victory-hungry and greedy piece of shit goes to make sure they or their family or associates win the tournament?" the seer asked.

"Oh, but an auction house, of course, to buy better weapons and pills to help them gain an edge in their battles," the seer answered his own question.

As the two walked in, it was evident that these people were understaffed.

"Welcome to the Black Mamba House of Excellence," one greeted.

Of course, the seer received the VIP treatment. He and Cao Tang were brought water and accompanied by a lady who catered to their needs.

She wore a rather peculiar dress, something Cao Tang didn't quite understand: a white shirt with a black coat and black pants, resembling a waiter's uniform.

At the reception, which was a grand box occupied by only two people, both of them wore red coats. The seer always got his way.

Even in Cao Tang's past life, he could only dream of such treatment at such a fabulous place. But then it hit him.

The place was absolutely fabulous. It had an otherworldly vibe to it, with architectural designs, unlike anything he had ever seen before. The name "Black Mamba," the artistic decor, and the aesthetics all added to its unique allure.

As they stood in the middle of the entrance hall, memories of Cao Tang's conversations with the seer started flooding back.


"Gothic architecture. The fucking best. It's beautiful. Not too bright, but that can be fixed," he recalled the seer saying as they lay on the rooftops talking.

"What are you going to do with the money... I mean, I can think of things, but nothing you would do," Lin Hua had asked the seer out of curiosity.

The seer liked money, but there was nothing he liked in Murim. Nothing he would want to buy was ever gonna be sold.

So when he left with his bags full of money in his spatial ring to spend, it surprised everyone. There was nothing in Murim that the seer liked enough to spend his money on.

Upon closer inspection, the entire place seemed to resemble something. It was a large establishment—a mall, a thought, a fragment ran through Cao Tang's head as he recalled one of his many conversations with the seer.

Cao Tang had marveled at the beauty, occasionally glancing at the seer's face, which displayed disbelief and horror.

Contrary to his initial perception, the place was not understaffed at all. The number of people present was exactly what was needed to handle their respective jobs.

Cao Tang's senses expanded, and he began to notice scuffles here and there, places where some people were receiving better hospitality than others.

The seer dismissed the person who had come to attend to them and placed a strange talisman on Cao Tang's head. The yellow paper with red lines soon disappeared, leaving behind a rather simple yet good-looking tattoo. A black tattoo of a snake, uniquely designed.

Together, they ascended to the upper floor using either of the two staircases located no more than 10 meters from the entrance.

On the upper floor, they were greeted by another vast hall. To the left and right were various shops, interspersed with blocks housing washrooms and a peculiar mechanism that moved up and down.

The multi-arched ceilings were a sight to behold, adorned with golden chandeliers and lamps.

The entrance to each shop was made of glass, allowing a glimpse into these establishments that sold sacred-tier weapons and pills—everything a martial artist could need and more, available in at least one of those shops. This wasn't your typical market; it exuded class and luxury.

It even sold everyday items. Anything you could buy in the province.

At the end of this not-so-very-large hall was a big board with a red-curtained entrance, indicating the auction hall.

Security was tight, with men in black suits patrolling the entire area. It was evident that they were at the Void stage or above, but Cao Tang knew they were much stronger than they appeared.

From behind, several prominent figures emerged, all dressed impeccably.

Among them was the matriarch of the Hao Clan, dressed in a green attire that was beyond description—clothes adorned with diamonds and exquisite embroidery.

"Oh, we are so glad you could make it," the matriarch said, barely containing her excitement and emotions. Something she was trained to do since she was but 5 years old. But who could blame her for standing where she was?

"I'll be honest, I am very nervous," she continued.

Another recognizable figure was Ai Zu, the elder of the Ai family and Lin Hua's grandfather, wearing a red attire similar to the guards but embellished with gold and diamonds.

"Don't be, this is the first of many auctions we will be holding," responded Ai Zu with a confident tone.

You could feel his happiness for just being a part of this ordeal. You could feel his pride radiating, not the shitty one that Murimians usually have, but actual true pride.

The third figure wore the same attire as Ai Mu but in blue.

Lin Cheng, The legendary man who soloed a dragon.

"We have what you requested at the west side changing room, locker 14," he said as he bowed to the seer, rather elegantly.

Only Cao could somewhat comprehend what the seer had created.

A high-class English nobility remade into a modern-world setting such as a mall in a rotten world such as the Murim.

At this point, Cao Tang was really missing Liu, who had refused to come with them under the pretext of training. He could have used a guy who was in the same brain state as him.

Cao Tang did not even know what to commend Neon for. Money-management? For creating this much from what now looks like a meager sum he had or for finding capable people to help him in his endeavor? Bigger yet, to have not only sought out those individuals but actually convinced them to work 'FOR' him.

"Hey, you wanna come with us?"

"No, I must win. I must train,"

Cao Tang recalled.

"That bastard is missing out," Tang thought to himself with his eyes not dry as they had been held open for such a long time. And he knew that there would be no rest for them just yet.

The three were no longer patriarchs or matriarchs or legends or elders; They were a part of the Black Mamba, and that was all.

Cao Tang thought, finding out that pondering over how he managed to get them working together was utterly pointless. I mean, he has always had a way with words and a rather odd read on people.

A glimpse he caught of the world behind the curtain... and Cao Tang no longer knew that no matter what happened in Murim, the man next to him could shatter the heavens without as much as a hitch if he really tried to do so.

The heavens have a weird way of balancing things. All this monstrous talent and power is in the hands of a man who simply cares not for it and solemnly uses it. And uses it but for his occasional whims and fancies.