Green Gang v/ Seer Gang!

A conniving gang of green-eyed Jaegals stood before the seer. In front of them, was a jade jar, a very peculiar and strange jade jar. As soon as the seer set his eyes upon it, a Jaegal activated it.

The jar was not really a jar at all. It functioned more like a beacon, lighting up and shooting beams into the sky. The world around them started to be painted green, gradually turning everything colorless except for the green hue that pervaded everywhere, except for the Jaegals.

"This is one of our family's most trusted sacred divine earthen realm treasures. Your allies and mine have been pulled into this place where the physical world can in no way be harmed," spoke an old Jaegal who had activated the beacon.

"Aha, we didn't even know such a treasure existed," one of the Jaegals said.

"Yeah, that's why you have elders in the family."

"Thousands of years ago, this was created specifically for these kinds of situations," spoke another elder.

The gang of Jaegals had at least 11 people in it, male, female, young, and old. They were the most powerful members from both the main and branch families. It seemed like they didn't want to underestimate the seer this time and sent 11 of their strongest members to deal with him.

"Ah, I am so honored, 11 against 1, and they call themselves the proud and righteous Jaegals, the fair and strong Jaegals," the seer taunted. "But let's see how fair and strong they really are."

The Jaegals didn't take the taunt lightly and rushed towards the seer at once. The seer, an ordinary human with no ki, was completely outmatched in front of these powerhouses. In this dire situation, there was only one thing the seer could do.

"BANZAI!" the seer tossed a few grenades into the air, creating a light barrier that shielded him from the impending attacks. The Jaegals, unaware of what they were, disregarded the grenades and attempted to punch, kick, and palm their way through the barrier.

A decision those Jaegals would soon regret. A series of explosions ensued, leaving three of them with heavy injuries, while one of them turned into nothing but a black, charred humanoid-shaped object.

"My leg, I can't feel my leg!"

"My arm!"

The explosions disoriented the remaining Jaegals, while those who barely managed to dodge or were lucky enough still felt the effects lingering. The more powerful Jaegals remained relatively unaffected.

"Appreciate the save, brother," the seer thanked Liu for the well-timed rescue using his electric arts.

"What the hell is this, brother?" Liu asked. "This wasn't taken into account. Aren't you the goddamn seer?"

And Liu wasn't the only one. Cao Tang and Lin Hua, who had managed to make their way to him, also voiced their confusion and frustration.

"What the fuck, guys? I am the fucking seer, not some omniscient god. You can't possibly expect me to know every single thing," the seer yelled back.

"Well, clearly you didn't, otherwise you would have known that we can easily beat them," Cao Tang said, acting all cool and stretching.

"Well, as long as it's not an army of Jaegals, we can handle this much," Zhihao stated.

"All those spirit stones we gobbled up better start spitting fire," said Liu, preparing himself.

"Come on, sis, let's pull off some of those combos we did as kids," Zhihao said as the enemies started to recover.

However, among that gang of ten, there were two elders.

"Is it me, or do I hear boss music?" the seer said, confused, getting up and brushing off the dust. "I think it's the beacon making those sounds."

"It seems that the beacon needs a constant supply of ki to remain active. Now that the elder is enraged, the ki is fluctuating, and that's why the beacon is making those sounds," Lin Hua explained.

"Meh, I don't know, I quite like it. Why don't you sit back and let us handle this, Neon?" Cao Tang said, walking towards the elders, his ki colliding with theirs. It was a team deathmatch, and Team Seer looked like they were going to win.

"Heaven's Vortex!" the elder created a huge gust with sand swirling around in circles, making visibility almost nil after 10 meters.

"Hah, bastard thinks he's the only one who has ki sense!" yelled Liu, sounding ecstatic.

Many clashes could be heard here and there around the arena.


"Ah, no, spare me, argh!"

"There goes the third one," Li Mei murmured, eliminating another one of the Jaegals that had been injured by the seer before she jumped backward and disappeared into the miniature sandstorm created by the Jaegal elder.


"Hah, can't seem to be able to kill me, can you, you disgusting old man?" Cao Tang taunted the elder as he clashed blades with him.

"Impudent!" the elder shouted, disarming Cao Tang. "Now die!"

Liu, however, blocked the killing blow.

"Switch!" Liu yelled, and Cao Tang disappeared into the sandstorm.

"Huh, I am the swordsman in the team, my apologies," he said, turning back to the elder.

"Just another insect!" the elder roared as he started his barrage of sword techniques.

"Cloud 18 Strike!"

"Earthen Turtle!"

"Plum-Blossom 14th Blade!"

"Fire Asura 9th Form!"

And so the blows were exchanged.


"You're lame attempts at teamwork are disgusting. Do you guys not have any pride?" yelled the Jaegal who now faced Cao Tang.

"Says the guy who needed to gang up on a single man who wasn't even a cultivator," Cao Tang replied.

"That's true," the Jaegal said, smiling as another Jaegal emerged from the smoke.

"'As expected', Is what Neon would say right about now."

"Now, taste our fists!" the two Jaegals yelled in unison.

"Heaven Fist!"

"Earth Fist!"

"Heaven and Earth Combo!"

"How lovely," Cao Tang said as he pulled out two guns from his robes and aimed them at their heads.


Bang! Bang!

"Goddamn it, now I understand why the seer loves these so much," Cao Tang said with a devilish smile.

The other two Jaegals retreated, bleeding from their shoulders and guts, Staggering.

"Damn, what are those?" said one of the Jaegals.

"The Seer's infamous sacred treasure that he calls the mighty gat that can kill any below void soul stage in an instant, but... it's not supposed to work on those above..impossible!," Replied the other.

"You guys are mistaken. I can always unlike the seer infuse ki to make them work against higher-stage cultivators," Cao Tang replied.



"AHA, HAHA HAHA" Cao Tang entered a state of euphoria.


"Whoa, shit, that worked!" Zhihao exclaimed, jumping in excitement. "Let's go get the other bastards, sis!"

And the two went off into the smoke again as another figure appeared.

"Ah, these guys never finish the job," Li Mei murmured as she eliminated yet another Jaegal.


The Heaven's Vortex ended, and the sand began to settle. Eleven Jaegals came, but only five remained standing. Everyone was heavily injured, except for one of the elders.


Yet another Jaegal fell, stabbed in the back by li mei as he fought Zhihao, who was bleeding from basically every part of his body. Liu and Cao Tang were also drenched in blood, and even Lin Hua and Li Mei themselves had their clothes dyed red.

"Hmm, you insects fought well," said the horribly weakened elder. "But we win!"

And then, a whistle was blown. The whistle shattered the elder's delusion.

There, the seer stood next to the treasure.

And poof, the treasure was down. The green space was broken.