Gu's And Goodbyes

"Yawn. Well, one thing to do before we leave is, suppose... Yawn," Zi Hao emerged from the human pile.

"You guys sleep like savages," Lin Hua towered over the boys, ready to go, perfectly and properly dressed for their visit to the Gu's. "Come on, up, let's go."

"Jeez, I don't think I like getting bossed around like this," An Liu slid out next, unable to muster the strength to get off the floor.

The seer, as well, descended from the attic, tinkering and playing around with his mobile phone. He tucked the phone away, pulled the porcupine out of its glass cave, and dropped it onto the princess's lap. "Sorry to leave you alone like this, here, play with him till we get back,"

The princess just gave him a weird look and started to cuddle the porcupine.

Because sadly, she was still in no condition to be moving about further distances.