The Travel And Torment

"I feel odd," whispered the princess into the seer's ear as he carried her on his back. 

She was dizzy and weak, unable to even open her eyes completely.

All she knew was that she was being carried somewhere.

All that those half-shut eyes could see was a blur of trees, which with time turned from patches of brown and green to include patches of gray and purple.

It was a sign the seer was on the right path.


The princess woke up with a jerk in a shoddy and small cove in the hills. It was already nighttime, and a single bonfire burned in the middle of that small cove.

Beside it, the seer was sitting against the wall, his head resting on his forearms. He seemed to be asleep but awoke shortly with a jerk.

"Where are we? Why are we here?" the princess asked, her head throbbing.

The seer did not reply; he was preoccupied with the system.


Task: Kill 1 Mosquito.