The Labyrinth Of The Seer's Demise

The lush green took both of them by surprise. It was a scene of natural beauty, much like the underground city he had visited, but in a forest setting.

There was no ground that was not covered with beautiful bright green vines. All stones were adorned with fauna.

Just a few steps ahead and in the distance, a bright glowing source of light could be seen.

The two stood on the edge of the cliff, admiring the marvel in front of them.

However, as beautiful as the terrain was, it was not forgiving. The creatures that could be seen were even stranger, and judging by their appearance, more dangerous as well.

The place seemed as though a scientist had conjured up an environment in a glass box to study the phenomenon. Except, the scientist died, and the ecosystem continued to thrive and develop.

< Don't worry, that is not the labyrinth.>