Immortal Decontamination

"It basically talks about a shelter the humans created to hide from the immortals. This mortal realm didn't always have ki in it. With their descent, it was introduced. Many died. And for some reason, the immortals needed this realm to be flooded with ki, so they passed it off as a blessing by showing off what people could do with it. But not all survived the sudden influx of ki. Very few people who could adjust remained, and they became power-hungry maniacs who devoted their lives to ki," Neon explained with bleeding eyes and a suffering soul.

{Ding ding ding}

The princess held him in her arms, but no amount of comfort was going to revive his dead soul.

"They have some security measures to keep away and kill spies, and I suppose we have to go through it," Neon inferred.

{Ding Ding Ding}

"Is it some lie detector thingy?"

{Daan Daaan}

"The same old Hohoba mind thing?"

{ding ding ding}