

"Guns, grenades, and girls are the American things to do.

There is always time for pretty ladies and drinks amidst all sorts of chaos, sadly underage for both, for all three actually.

Yet here I was with a thot under my feet, gun in my right hand, and Bible in my left.

Resulting from some corrupt nun and some sadistic flair for the sacred that I picked up in the church.

The rat-ass fool hiding in 7 High had sold out the father even more easily than the guy who had sold his squeaky ass off.

Weird turn of events here. I find that my father was, in fact, killed by this father of the church. Coincidence? I think not. Mine was dead. This one was going to be soon.

The church was a place of architectural marvel and worship. The people weren't. They must have earned quite a buck to have sold their souls to that fallen angel.