Huh, OfCourse

[POV: Ling Yue]

Cough Cough*

It's cold. So very cold.

"Come on, Ling Yue, this is not the end."

And now I am hearing things. Who am I kidding, 2nd uncle is dead. Did he also feel this cold...


"Listen to me, Ling Yue. This guy I used to talk about. He must live somewhere over here. Find him and survive," Uncle Xiang spoke with an extreme and intense struggle in Ling Yue's arms.

"No, I can't leave you like this, please."

"You listen..." He pulled on her clothes which, due to the damage and wear, tore instead of pulling her closer to him. "I had an opportunity to meet the guy... he owes me one. He might not remember me and not know you, so give him this," he continued his struggle, handing over a dream catcher.

"No, you are coming with... me," Ling Yue attempted to drag him, as beaten and bashed up as she was.