Last Moments

"HAHAH, you should be grateful you get to spend your last happy moments with me before I hand you over to the doctor."


Ling Yue spat blood and spit on the guy's face. He looked more like a brute than the brutest brute in the entirety of Murim.

"Ohoho, I was going to be gentle since the doctor wants them undamaged, but I don't think I can do that anymore. I'll just blame that guy there, and then guess what? I will toss you around for my generals too, I suppose. You know, just out of spite. You should know your place, battery," the general spat.

"Can't believe old Jidao was hiding this miracle his entire life," his second-in-command said, eyeing what the general held.

"So glad she pissed off the general. Now we can all enjoy her... benefits. Hehehhe."

"Man, I don't like my things being eyed and toyed with, do you?" the seer spoke in a whisperous tone.