<Two Down, Four To Go>

"Hey, you can demonize me, can't you?"


"Leave the mental stuff for me; you do you. I am confident I can maintain my sanity."


"Don't have time."

||No coming back from it.||

Black gob began enveloping the seer as his seal loosened and loosened until it disappeared. The black mass drained all of the flowing ki into itself, expanding, twisting, and molding the seer.

The seer could feel the intense pain. It was like he was in the depths of the Pacific, so deep it had no light reaching him, and the pressure on the body intense.

>Know? In Buddhist philosophy, there are four noble truths.<

||Yours from your world is different from the one we have here, most definitely.||

>Life is full of suffering.<

||True enough.||

While the seer struggled on the inside of the ever-expanding black mass, the half-formed beast on the outside was already on a rampage, killing anything it could on sight.