<Season Three[Start]>

>There is a gap in my memories... I remember running from the scientist, but the next instant, I remember being in Novaleas's arms. Something happened between that little time frame, and I need to find out.<

"Aw, you look so pretty," complimented one of the attendants who was dressing her up.

Ling Yue stared at herself in the mirror with complete indifference. She did not know what "pretty" or "adorable" or even "beautiful" was. She had spent most of her life locked up with people who saw her and kept complimenting her on her looks. She usually just shrugged them off, thinking it was probably because they dared not offend her.

"Miss Ling Yue, this way to the banquet, please. I will escort you there," one of the attendants told her.